Hi Vicki,
We're not running 11.03 (we're on 10.7) and we have auditing running for sign-on audit set for Responsibility (so we get recorded what responsibility they're using). We were running it set for User so that the DBAs could use that information to get back who was running what.  In both cases we didn't see an appreciable decrease in performance, though we have less than 100 users who only change responsibilities a couple of times a day (at most).  We are running the "Purge Signon Audit data" concurrent manager program daily to keep the FND tables reasonable size but we run a custom program to move some of the data to custom tables for analysis. When we researched it, the consensus at the time was User is best, Responsibility is OK, but turning it on for Forms is a major impact (we didn't test as we didn't need to know which forms people were using).
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2003 2:54 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Overhead Associated with Signon Audit in Financials 11.0

Does anyone have any statistics about overhead associated with using the Signon Audit in an 11.0.3/ environment.  We are using full installs of AP, GL, FA and CE.  Size of the production database is 100G.  Can't tell you exactly what we'd be auditing;  we are under siege by Internal Audit at the moment - they've raised the "database audit" flag, but have not started dictating what they want audited.  I am trying to get some real-world statistics to arm myself with when the day comes .....

I have heard that the overhead is significant - is this true, in your experience?

Vicki Pierce
Database Administration

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