Well, it's not a perfect solution but the following query will show you
what is in your buffer pool (v$bh) and match it to each objects total
segment size and give you a report of what is really taking up the buffer
pool and was percent of each object is in memory.  It's not a perfect (old
old old) script but the output can be enlightening.  If you see indexes
that are large but not much of it is in memory, well, you can draw your own
conclusions.  I have been using versions of this script since oracle
7-something but haven't run it in v9. Have fun......

set verify off
set pagesize 36
set linesize 132
set pause off
set pause 'Hit enter to continue'
set feedback off
set showmode off
set echo off


col db_block_size  new_value nv_db_block_size  noprint
select value db_block_size from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size';


ttitle "V$BH, Ordered by Status and Count"
col status       format a10   heading "Block|Status|Types"
col status2      format a25   heading "Block|Status|Description"
col block_status format a32   heading "------Block Status
col cnt          format 99999999 heading "Blocks"
col sga_kbytes   format 99999999 heading "Kbytes"
col sga_mbytes   format 99999999 heading "Mbytes"
compute sum of cnt        on report
compute sum of sga_kbytes on report
compute sum of sga_mbytes on report
break on report
select count(*) cnt,
       count(*) * (&nv_db_block_size / 1024) sga_kbytes,
       trunc((count(*) * (&nv_db_block_size / 1024)) / 1024) sga_mbytes,
       decode(upper(status), 'FREE', 'not currently in use',
                             'XCUR', 'exclusive',
                             'SCUR', 'shared current',
                             'CR',   'consistent read',
                             'READ', 'being read from disk',
                             'MREC', 'in media recovery mode',
                             'IREC', 'in instance recovery mode',
'UNKNOWN') status2,
       dirty || '     ' || temp || '    ' || ping || '    ' || stale || '
' || direct || '      ' || new block_status
from v$bh
group by status,
         dirty || '     ' || temp || '    ' || ping || '    ' || stale || '
' || direct || '      ' || new
order by 2,1;
clear break
clear compute


ttitle off
set pause off

PROMPT Sort BY Selections
prompt For DB Buffer Cache Map
PROMPT ------------------------

PROMPT 1 = Object Owner
PROMPT 2 = Object Name
PROMPT 3 = Object Type
PROMPT 4 = SGA Blocks
PROMPT 6 = Segment KBytes
PROMPT 7 = Percent in SGA
ACCEPT USER_INPUT1 NUMBER PROMPT 'Please enter one now:>'
col sort_by_number new_value sort_by_number_value noprint
col sort_by_text   new_value sort_by_text_value   noprint
select decode(&USER_INPUT1, 1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4, 5,5, 6,7, 7,9, 4)
       decode(&USER_INPUT1, 1, 'Object Owner',
                            2,'Object Name',
                            3,'Object Type',
                            4,'SGA Blocks',
                            5,'SGA KBytes',
                            6,'Segment KBytes',
                            7,'Percent in SGA',
                            'SGA Blocks') sort_by_text
from dual;


PROMPT Sort ORDER Selections
PROMPT ---------------------

PROMPT 1 = Descending
PROMPT 2 = Ascending
ACCEPT USER_INPUT2 NUMBER PROMPT 'Please enter one now:>'
col order_by_text   new_value order_by_text_value  noprint
select decode(&USER_INPUT2, 1,'Desc', 2,'Asc', 'Desc') order_by_text
from dual;


col include_sys   new_value nv_include_sys  noprint
select decode(upper('&USER_INPUT3'), 'Y','Y', 'N') include_sys
  from dual;


set feedback on

create table tmp_v$cache
  as select owner#, name, kind, partition_name, count(*) sga_cnt, count(*)
* (&nv_db_block_size / 1024) sga_kb
       from v$cache
      group by owner#, name, kind, partition_name;
create index tmp_v$cache_idx
  on tmp_v$cache(owner#, name, kind, partition_name, sga_cnt, sga_kb);
analyze table tmp_v$cache
  compute statistics
    for table
    for all indexes
    for all indexed columns;

create table tmp_dba_users
  as select user_id, username
       from dba_users;
create index tmp_dba_users_idx
  on tmp_dba_users(user_id, username);
analyze table tmp_dba_users
  compute statistics
    for table
    for all indexes
    for all indexed columns;

create table tmp_dba_segments
 as select owner, segment_name, segment_type, partition_name, blocks *
(&nv_db_block_size / 1024) seg_kb
      from dba_segments;
create index tmp_dba_segments_idx
 on tmp_dba_segments(owner, segment_name, segment_type, partition_name,
analyze table tmp_dba_segments
  compute statistics
    for table
    for all indexes
    for all indexed columns;


PROMPT spooling output to /tmp/tool_db_buffer_map2_&1..lst
PROMPT Working, please wait...

set feedback off termout off
spool /tmp/tool_db_buffer_map2_&1..lst

ttitle 'Sga Usage, Ordered by &sort_by_text_value &order_by_text_value '
col username heading 'Object Owner'      format a20
col name     heading 'Object Name'       format a40
col kind     heading 'Object Type'
col sga_cnt  heading 'SGA|Blocks'        format 9999999
col sga_kb   heading 'SGA|KBytes'        format 999999
col sga_mb   heading 'SGA|MBytes'        format 99999
col seg_kb   heading 'Segment|KBytes'    format 9999999
col seg_mb   heading 'Segment|MBytes'    format 99999
col pct_load heading 'Pct In|SGA'        format 999.999

select /*+ RULE */
       nvl(substr(A.name || decode(A.partition_name,NULL,NULL,'.' ||
                 ), 'FREE BLOCKS'
name    ,
kind    ,
sga_cnt ,
sga_kb  ,
       trunc(A.sga_kb / 1024)
sga_mb  ,
seg_kb  ,
       trunc(C.seg_kb / 1024)
seg_mb  ,
       (A.sga_kb / C.seg_kb) * 100
  from tmp_dba_segments C, tmp_dba_users B, tmp_v$cache A
 where A.owner#                     = B.user_id
   and ((B.username != 'SYS'                            ) or
        (B.username  = 'SYS' and '&nv_include_sys' = 'Y')
   and B.username                   = C.owner
   and A.name                       = C.segment_name
   and A.kind                       = C.segment_type
   and nvl(A.partition_name,'NULL') = nvl(C.partition_name,'NULL')
union all
select /*+ RULE */
       nvl(substr(C.segment_name || decode(C.partition_name,NULL,NULL,'.'
|| C.partition_name
                 ), 'FREE BLOCKS'
name    ,
kind    ,
sga_cnt ,
sga_kb  ,
sga_mb  ,
seg_kb  ,
       trunc(C.seg_kb / 1024)
seg_mb  ,
  from tmp_dba_segments C
 where ((C.owner != 'SYS'                            ) or
        (C.owner  = 'SYS' and '&nv_include_sys' = 'Y')
   and (C.owner || C.segment_name || C.segment_type || C.partition_name)
not in
         (select B.username || A.name || A.kind || A.partition_name
            from tmp_dba_users B, tmp_v$cache A
            where A.owner#                     = B.user_id
              and ((B.username != 'SYS'                            ) or
                   (B.username  = 'SYS' and '&nv_include_sys' = 'Y')
 order by &sort_by_number_value &order_by_text_value, 1,2;

spool off
ttitle off
set feedback on termout on
drop table tmp_dba_segments;
drop table tmp_dba_users;
drop table tmp_v$cache;

                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
                      ys.com                   To:       Multiple recipients of list 
ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                
                      Sent by:                 cc:                                     
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]        Subject:  Re: ** find whether table or 
index being accessed                          
                      11/18/2003 01:59                                                 
                      Please respond to                                                

... but the database is 8.1.7 - no monitoring allowed

   Mladen Gogala                                                           
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>              To:        Multiple recipients of 
   Sent by:                      list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 cc:                               
                                         Subject:        Re: ** find       
                                 whether table or index being accessed     
    11/18/2003 12:44 PM                                                    
    Please respond to ORACLE-L                                             

Well, 'ALTER INDEX MONITORING USAGE' should do the trick. Results should be

in V$OBJECT_USAGE. In connection to that, here is a sweet little bug in

SQL>  select name from v$fixed_table where name='V$OBJECT_USAGE';

no rows selected

Don't tell that to oracle, they might even fix it.

On 11/18/2003 02:34:28 PM, DENNIS WILLIAMS wrote:
> A - The only suggestion I've heard is to take the contents of V$SQL,
> EXPLAIN PLAN on all SQL, and try to build a list of indexes that are
> Hardly foolproof. I think Burleson has some scripts in his book Oracle
> High-Performance Tuning With STATSPACK, IIRC.
> Dennis Williams
> Lifetouch, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 11:49 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Hi,
>   I had sent this some time back but got no answer for version 8.1.7. For
> table I understand auditing is an option. What about for index? Thank You

> A Joshi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>    Is there an easy way to find out if a table or an index is being used.
> mean short of going thru all code or keeping looking at v$sqlarea. I mean
> even if code is covered there are always ad hoc SQL queries etc. Same for
> other objects like views etc. Is there a place where oracle stores
> accessed and any other related info.
> Thanks
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Mladen Gogala
Oracle DBA

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Fat City Network Services    -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.com
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