I've had similar problems, however, it isn't just limited to Oracle listeners.

NT and Win2k are both problematic when it comes to reliably starting services
at bootup.  They both occasionally have a problem with a service dying for
no apparent reason.

I don't know why this is.

To deal with it I wrote a script that runs as another service on a separate server,
checks each day at 05:30 if particular services are running on a number of servers,
restarts them if possible and pages me.

There's another service, on yet another computer, that checks to make sure the
service monitor service is running.

I don't yet have a service to monitor the service that moniters the service monitor.

Not an ideal solution ( that would be linux where things tend to be more reliable),
but it works.


"QuijadaReina, Julio C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 12/17/2003 11:19 AM
 Please respond to ORACLE-L

        To:        Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        no longer listening

Hi all,
For the last couple of weeks, I have experienced listener down times. The listener will work fine for say a week, and then all the sudden it will no longer allow connections from remote machines. Clients use SQL*plus to connect. Interestingly enough, on the actual server I am able to login just fine. The following are the log lines as they appear in my listener.log.
No longer listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=ipc)(PIPENAME=\\.\pipe\EXTPROC0ipc)))
No longer listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=machinename.domain)(PORT=1521)))
No longer listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= machinename.domain)(PORT=8080))(Presentation=HTTP)(Session=RAW))
No longer listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= machinename.domain)(PORT=2100))(Presentation=FTP)(Session=RAW))
HTTP and FTP are not important, since we do not use any Oracle's HTTP or FTP. But the second line on the log is rather important since it is the listener's port (1521).
The server is a Win2K with 128MB of RAM and a small test database for about 60 users of which 20 or so might connect simultaneously.
Any ideas as to why this might be happening?
Julio Cesar Quijada-Reina
Programmer Analyst
Computer Services at Alfred State College

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