*** La traduction en français se trouve après les 3 astérisques (*)
Hello Matthew,

Here are a few info, I hope that they will reply a little bit to your

We provide the scripts which were used in May to build 0.6 alpha from
Knoppix 3.3 (16 Feb 2004). These scripts are available in the website
(the download page) or in the CD (directory /usr/share/oralux). The
README file supplies the distinct stages.

Besides it, it could be more direct to install Oralux to the hard disk
and customize it as you would do for Knoppix. You could have a look to
mkmyknoppix.sh by Thomas Lange and update it according to your expectations.
Our customized script is available under
/usr/share/oralux/install. The README file describes its stages.

If you indicate the features you expect from the Oralux customization,
I could perhaps be more precise.

The audio menu messages come from the DECtalk software (English,
French, German, Spanish) and Multispeech (Russian). 

We try to let people choose between Free (Libre) or proprietary voice
synthesizers. The CD include both of them for free.
As you know, the great advantages of the Free Softwares are the
availability of the sources. 
So I hope that the Free synthesizers will continue to be improved.
This means time and efforts supplied by the very few volunteers. These
improvements will come faster when these projects will be better funding.



Suite a un post de Matthew T. Atkinson, projet AGRIP AudioQuake. Un
Quake accessible. Le site en anglais: 

Il évalue la possibilité de partir du CD Oralux pour diffuser leur soft.

Il fait la remarque que les menus audio sont de meilleure qualité pour
lui que les synthèses intégrées au CD.

Le CD contient des synthèses gratuites basées sur des logiciels libres
ou propriétaires.
Les logiciels libres ont le grand avantage d'etre accompagnés de leurs
Aussi, j'espère qe les synthèse libres continueront à s'améliorer. 
Cela signifie encore du temps et des efforts de la part d'un petit
nombre de bénévoles. Ces améliorations viendront plus rapidement lorsque
ces projets serontt mieux supportés financièrement.


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