Hello there, Andr'e,
You might try using bitlbee.  It is an irc server that runs a gateway 
to pretty much all of the major IM services out there, including MSN.  
>From a shell prompt, do the following:
        $ irc <nickname> testing.bitlbee.org
Ircii will be launched, and you will be connected to the bitlbee server.  
Next, type:
        register <password>
You choose a password for your account on the bitlbee server.  Note that 
this is *NOT* the same as actually logging into MSN.  It's your account 
for Bitlbee itself, which is basically the gateway to MSN.  So, once 
you've registered your password for Bitlbee, now it's time to tell Bitlbee 
about your MSN account:
        account add msn <username> <password>
This command tels bitlbee about your MSN account.  Then, you log into MSN 
        account on msn

Once youve done all this, in future bitlbee sessions, use:
        identify <bitlbee_password>
instead of the register command, and your MSN will come up automatically.  
To send someone a message, just type:
        /msg <contact> <message>
There's help for all of this once you're in the bitlbee system; just 
typing help will tell you how to use the help system, and typing "help 
<command>" will tell you about individual commands.

Hope this helps,
Oralux mailing list

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