These are just ideas I wanted to share with you.
I don't know if these features could be added or not.
First, I was experimenting with different live cd distros to see if any were 
no, I didn't find any that were.
However I did find one that had a cool feature.
Keep in mind this distro was under 200 Mb.
You could type a command at boot and it would load itself into ram and run from 
   So I thought why not have orilux be able to load a small version of itself 
in ram.
This would free up the CD.
But I see two advantages for this.
The small version would include speech of course.
It would also have a media player,  web and file browser along with any other 
utilities you think should be included.
This would be handy for recovering files on a crashed windows computer.
It would also be useful if you want to show orilux to a friend.
It could be loaded on their computer before you go home.
Then they can play with it  all they want to.
   Second, flight has a pretty good voice. But if eloquence is free why not use 
those voices they are better.
   Third, I thought a network wizard would be nice to help with setting up a 
wireless network
and for sharing directories.
   Forth, I haven't heard good things about gnome.
However some  say they are working on making kde speak. 
If this happens. Why  not add it to orilux.
   Last but not least.
A file browser that works like the one we use when picking the drive for 
storage would be nice.
You would use the arrow keys and hear your drives.
Then pressing enter would let you use the arrows to hear the file names.
Pressing enter on a file would open or play it.
Those are just some ideas to think about.
Have a nice day Mike.
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