In a message dated 7/13/2004 3:24:29 PM US Mountain Standard Time,  

The US  has only the right to arrest a foreign citizen a) if that person 
violates  US Law or b) if there is an international arrest warrant out 
for that  person. So we are back to Carson's question: what US Law did 
Manuel Arias  violate. And if he was arrested _before_ he entered the 
USA, that is  before he passed immigration, The US (again) violated 
international  law.

According to the article he pled to putting inaccurate labels on plants  
coming into the United States. Whether he actually did anything wrong is  another 
question, and I think it is good to be highly skeptical about anything  the 
government does.  However, the United States, and probably most other  
countries, have laws against deceiving its customs officers.  One such law  is the 
Lacey act.  There are probably other laws against trying to  mislead customs 
officers as well.  
I don't believe that the Lacey Act is good, but I don't understand how it  is 
imperialistic.  It seems to me that it says to other countries, make  
whatever laws you want about your plants and animals.  If someone violates  your laws 
and tries to bring the plant or animal into the United States, we will  
respect your laws and treat that person as a criminal just as you would.
As for whether arresting someone before passing through customs violates  
international law, you ought to tell us what that law is. I don't know  
international law, but it seems to me that arresting someone after landing but  before 
customs or letting them pass customs and then arresting them is a  meaningless 
distinction, since you could just let everyone through and avoid the  
problem.  You have chastised people for speaking about taxonomy without  knowing the 
details, so you should hold yourself to a similar standard in  addressing this 
issue, and quote the law so we can discuss it  meaningfully.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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