Jerry Hoffmeister asked about bush snails:

I didn't have bush snails until I got bifocals. So, that's one approach, lose the bifocals.

If you only have a few plants, you can submerge the the pots in water. The little stomachs with mobile homes will crawl out, and you can crunch them up. You gotta treat all pots, though.

After getting bifocals, I used metaldehyde. I scored some Sluggit, and used it as a pot drench. Again, you gotta do all the pots, several times.

Finally, you could repot everything, and I mean *everything* and put it into clean medium. If you use bark, you've gotta cook the bark or something, otherwise you'll get fresh infestation with every new bag of bark. ISTR one list member soaking his bark in an iron(??) solution to kill of the pests. Could be wrong on that, though.

Carl "Eschewing bark in Philly" Gustafson
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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