
One bit of advice: Sabah's lowland forests are the leech capital of the
world, and April is the end of the wet season.

Leeches abound, not just on the ground but doing a Tarzan imitation,
swinging down onto you from branches above your head .... if you don't
believe me, just wait till you can see for yourself.

Wear long, loose trousers without any zippers, string-holes, or other modern
adornments that create holes for the little buggers to crawl through. Wear
thick long socks with elasticated tops. Wear good boots with a tongue that
is stitched to the side of the shoe all the way to the top, so the holes
that the laces go through don't also provide access down to your yummy juicy
feet. When you've got shoes, socks and trousers on yourself, put the socks
OUTSIDE the trouser legs, smooth down so there are no wrinkles that the
leeches can crawl through, and drench the whole lot with spray from a can of
Mortein or Baygon (you can buy these in just about any store in Kota
Kinabalu), going right up to the waist-band.

Then you'll only have to worry about the leeches that will attack you from
above waist height.

Although they are a real pest, Sabah's leeches are not particularly
dangerous to your heath ... they'll drop off once they fill up. The trouble
is that the wounds take ages to stop bleeding and cause unseemly
blood-stains on your clothing in the oddest of places.

I once went into the jungle with a British guy, fresh out from UK, who
boastest "the latest SAS-quality guaranteed leech-proof jungle gear". At the
end of the day we stripped off for a wash in a stream ....  I had 3 leeches,
which is no problem. He had more than 70, mostly in his boots, which were
filled with blood and squashed leeches (his boots had laceholes !!!), and
all the way up his trousers to his waist. He even had one firmly latched on
to that spot that most guys don't wave around in public.

Have fun

Peter O'Byrne
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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