The AOS had expenses over revenues to the tune of
$915,912 in 2001. This is  the most recent year for
which the Form 990 is available. Anyone who wants to
see the .pdf of the Form 990 for any of the years from
1998 to 2002 inclusive may e-mail me and I will send
them. They are also available through Guidestar
( wth free registration.

Expenses for 2002 included salaries and wages
($788,106, including $70,998 for the Chief Financial
Officer (Michele Meeks), and $131,007 for Lee Cooke as
the executive director.)) Deficits were realized on S
tatement 9, in which $883,859 was expended for awards
($32,489), services and professional fees ($392,068),
and "miscellaneous" ($459,302). Statement 8 describes
the financials of the Swamp Majal, and are a spectacle
to behold with a total accumulated depreciation of
$667,032.60 on fixed assets of $6,791,390.57,
including a $800,961.55 g reenhouse.

Jim Watson got paid $62,779 that year, and Andy got
$53,040. Jim got paid $2472 more in 2001 than 2000;
Lee got paid $9296 more. Michele Meeks received an
extra $6461. Andy took a $2346 pay cut in the same
time period. 

The Orchid Gala is listed under "Fundraisers" and cost
$87,731 and raised $84,440 for a net  loss of $3,291.
The AOS also lost $109,286 on stocks that year,
$37,300 of which was on Xerox Credit Corp.)

Perhaps the internet was "to blame" in that the
Worldcom stock (-6,648.51) tanked along with Oracle
(three losses of $6,804.23, $5,119.00, $9,030.90),
Microsoft (loss of $6572.02) and Lucent (-$13,930.85).
Anheuser Busch brought in $3,899.24, among others. It
is tough to say why Mr. Cooke believes the internet
broke the budget at the AOS without seeing the
financials from 2002 and 2003. It is obvious that they
should have bought or begged more beer stock... advice
that is true in tough times most of all.

If the AOS sends me the 2002 and 2003 Form 990
financials, I will be  most happy to spread them in
the same manner.

-Eric the Fish
"I Stink"

From: "Harvey Brenneise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| When I was involved as a volunteer with the AOS 
|(before a new president decided my services were "no 
|longer needed"), I noticed a lot of blaming 
|going on re: the finances of the organization. In 
|particular, I heard that the Internet was "to blame" 
|for their financial woes. 

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