"American Cattleyas"

Courtney Hackney's book on cattleya hybrids was produced as a limited printing, based on preorders. The AOS has contacted him to purchase whatever stock he has remaining. Before that happens remaining stock can be purchased through the retail site: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The web page is at: http://roseg4art.com/Rose7.htm

I have no connection with either the author or publisher, and have not received any renumeration for this post.

A friend of mine told me about the book some months ago and I pre-ordered a copy. It is a very nice synopsis of Cattleya hybridizers, breeding lines and species traits. AND has pictures illustrating each breeding line to boot. Its one of the few orchid books I've sat down to read from cover to cover - not just looking at the pictures or reading solely about the item I was interested in.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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