I presume that Bob Scully's rebuttal  of he antiviral effectiveness of a 
simple exposure to bleach [hypochlorite]  originates from the Work Ethic concept 
that the greater the labor, the greater  the reward.  Regarding the torch vs. 
bleach, it ain't  necessarily  so.
    I have great  respect for Bob's historical stewardship of the renowned 
Jones and  Scully orchid stock, but my own background in Cell Biology, 
Biophysics and  Biochemistry is more appropriate for the issue at hand. I find  it 
challenging to draw upon my laboratory research career to  compensate for the 
greater cultural prowess of my  colleagues, 
    I have "Googled" the entry "hypochlorite  and virus" and found 615 PAGES 
of entries; all I had time to  peruse concur with the total antiviral 
effectiveness of even short  exposures to strong bleach.  I hesitate to disagree with 
Dr. Zettler, cited  as a "distinguished," retired Floridian virologist, but I 
take some pride  in having been the most highly cited scientist in the state 
of Florida for a  stretch of over a decade before my own retirement.  I suggest 
that the  authorities cited by Bob have been overly cautious in recommending 
an  unnecessarily great safety margin in their advisories.  My own grasp  of 
the stability of biological entities such as cells, membranes and viruses  
makes it inconceivable that they can resist the chemical action of  hypochlorite, 
especially coupled with high pH.  This view is  reinforced by my observations 
of how effectively bleach destroys  organic residues on clay pots.
     The suggestion that TSP could  substitute for bleach as a viricide, a 
common misconception among orchid  cultivators based on repeated assertions, is 
like sending soldiers to war with  pea shooters instead of guns. Incidentally, 
it is impossible to maintain a  "supersaturated" solution of TSP, for if it 
is truly supersaturated  the excess TSP will crystallize out.
                                                                Bert  Pressman
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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