I think the problem is universal due to a couple of things;
1. Breeders in some countries use hybrids and then introgression to get a phenotype 
that looks like a species but grows like a hybrid.
2. Somebody's best guess as to what an unlabeled hybrid is.
3. Just plain deceit.
4. Mislabled parents causing hybrids that were intended to be species ( I have a 
beautiful C.Patracinii that I bought as a C.leopoldii (Cherry X Albino ) which 
obviously has some loddegessi or harisoniana in it.
Paul LeBlanc

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Hi folks, 
> Last night at our meeting a discussion came up about the benching of various 
> orchids for both show and meetings. 
> One of the things that arose was the number of hybrids that are most often 
> benched as species. Perhaps owing to the inability of people to recognise 
> them or the failure to know the difference between a species and a hybrid. 
> Can any of you folks give me an idea as to whether this is a universal 
> problem or perhaps just local. Also what if any are the main types of 
> hybrids that are involved? 
> We have things such as Den.Adastra being benched as Den.peirardii . 
> Thanks for any information. 
> Max Redman. 
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> the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD) 
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