There have been a couple of posts here suggesting that people were
justifying George Norris's actions....which I think is showing a major
misunderstanding...I don't think that anyone here is justifying the actions
to which George has pleaded guilty...basically, intentionally mislabelling
phrags so that they will pass inspections more quickly. The comments on
George's behalf, including mine, were basically an intent to put it in
perspective. George did NOT smuggle in P. kovachii, or any wild collected
phrag...what he basically did was suggest that legally propagated phrags,
mainly P. pearcei, be labelled as another plant to be OK'd more easily by
inspectors...basically, a short cut...yes, an illegal shortcut. The fact
that the plants in question were released to be sold shows that they were
not contraband in and of themselves. The issue that concerns those of us who
know George is the severity of the sentence...17 months in jail for George's
crime is a crime in and of itself...there are plenty of people who commit
crimes of violence who get off with far less. No one is claiming that George
is innocent, least of all George himself....but many of us feel that a crime
of this nature, committed by a 65 year old man with no prior history of
illegal activity would be better served by a fine, community service, even
both. I would certainly not disagree that George's actions will result in
increased pressure on orchid importers...I am sure that commercial
growers/importers will be seeing effects from this conviction....however, to
claim that George's punishment is appropriate is going too far, to the point
of being vindictive. Of course George had a "mouth" on him (if that
phraseology is appropriate for computer use...) and offended many
people...but then again, just look at how participation on this list
increases when people get offended...(more people miss Guido than will ever
admit it....) But being obnoxious is not a crime, or even an aggravating
factor in sentence consideration....(Not to mention that anyone who
corresponded with George, and got to know him, could get past the bluster,
right wing politics,  and BS to see that underneath was a genuinely warm and
decent person...) At any rate, the issue at this point is not guilt or
innocence, right or wrong for the crime...but for the justice. Take care,
Eric Muehlbauer in Queens NY....plenty of cool growers still outside...
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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