Eric, you got it dead right in every respect..Full Stop...I can stand here
and defend George til the die I die...I can do so with something on my side
that (likely) no one else here can do...George sued the hell out of me and
won..big money...for something that some one else did to him...I just
happened to have received the plants to grow for the jerk that shafted
George...We were bitter enemies for years and he bruited my name around as
such..even on this forum...SO...when I stand up and am counted and can state
the George has now been screwed worse than he did me..It SHOULD count for
something...As Eric said..He is actually a warm and friendly guy...NOT an
enemy of the people..We have resolved our problem since this mess...We are
now firm friends and he now knows what he did to me. ...Shouldn't I have
been happy as hell that this all happened to him when I first heard of it???
Not a chance...The government has been vindictive..way over the
line...Kovach...he of the real theft away with his actions with
little penalty...Go figure?  One hopes that a better outcome may yet
transpire...but with this type of regime in power...I would not hold my
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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