Somebody resurrected this:
In a message dated Sun, 17 Nov 2002, Stephen Kemp wrote:
> Does anyone know of the possible benefits of silica in plant nutrition? Its 
> benefits are that they strengthen cell walls thus providing better stem 
> strength and leaf texture, additional protection
> > from insects (because of the stronger cell walls?), resistance to
> > fungus.
>  However it is a common nutrient in hydroponics (Superthrive?)
Superthrive does not contain silica. It contains Vitamin B1 and various plant 
The most common commercially available source of silica is Dynagro Pro-TeKt, 
which is potassium silicate. The bottle advocates using it at every watering, 
but I use it about once a month. Shake the bottle before pouring. The most 
notable results I've seen are that orchid flowers last longer, and my bonsai 
maples do not get leaf scorch during the summer. I do not have a lot of trouble 
with insects or fungus, but that could be due to other practices. I think it 
helps Cattleyas with weak pedicels. There are a few plants which definitely do 
not like it, but I have not noticed any sensitivity in mature orchids. One 
grower told me it burns orchid flowers if you spray it.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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