Wow...Marianne really said it all...I am in love...If I was not married I would surely want to know that gal...Perfectly said..I have reread it many times...Love it...I do not feel that any more can be said on the subject after that...and Sandy...Great remark...Cock fighting is all the thing here in Hawaii. But never has the concept been better expressed...See how much fun it is congratulating people on the good stuff........the other side being?.......and come on Andy...can you not take adulation in stride????? I know that Guido always replied to me with nice comments when things were going on his seldom as that happened, except when he quit....Sure hope that you do not...It would only leave.....well....those who only want the info..which most of us already have..tho the rest vitally need...but, lets face it..if you have been into this for 30 have mostly heard it all and have benefited or screwed up accordingly...Happy to see that someone found the article on the alba by Wilson...I took far too much guff on that...Hey.!!! I was just quoting...With four years of Latin behind me I could not quibble with those who wanted to be perfectionists...I am just a poor judge who has to go by the rules as they exist..right or wrong according to Caesar...Bill And that note from Marianne...WOW...there is a great dame...(broad?) now quoting Sinatra...

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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