Hi Iris: Thanks for your input. I had the collected rain water tested for EC and it was only 10ppm -much better than our tap water at 200ppm. Our hot water is attached to a water softener, so that nixes the idea of using hot water! A dehumidifier in Calgary is wish -the air here is so dry that when people move here from the east they often get nose bleeds!! The water that I was originally posting about had run off of my cedar shake roof and was brownish. I was trying to find out if anyone knew if the tannins from the cedar (which I expect are making the water brown) would harm the orchids. I understand that vanda baskets are made of cedar, so perhaps it is not an issue worth worrying about. Short of asking neighbours to collect their runoff for me, I will have to settle for the brown runoff from my roof I expect.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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