Over the years I've experimented a bit with using these (llama, horse, cow, sheep, etc.) as either teas, amendments, or as the medium itself (on the latter, see the writings of Nic van Bosch from Tasmania). Quite a bit was written about using manure teas for orchid nutrition in the set Lindenia, for example. Some genera (phals, cymbidiums, etc.) seem to like to grow in pure horse manure. Go figure!

Some time ago Andy mentioned the passing of a generation of fine orchid growers. While there's never any way to preserve all of their knowledge and wisdom, I do hope that orchid organizations like the AOS are taking steps to preserve the writings (especially manuscript writings) of these individuals as well as doing some "oral history" where they are interviewed and these records preserved.

Harvey Brenneise
West Seattle

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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