Thomas who writes:
>The legal kovachii flask will be available this year, but there are
>some problems whit the Peruvian government so the Peruvian orchid club
>don't'a know how the kovachii flasks will be sell worldwide, the only
>confirmed information is that an orchid shop whit kovachii flasks will
>be open this year in Spai
>Thomas from Guatemala.
Thomas, your post is spreading false rumors concerning legal
Phragmipedium kovachii flasks available this year.
If they are going to be exported, that fact has  not yet been announced
by INRENA, the Peruvian Ministry of Natural  Resources and Peru's CITES
Authority . 
INRENA has indicated  that no flasks or divisions will be exported, 
until Peruvian nurseries are registered  by the Cites Secretariat and 
New Commercial Regulations are approved.
At this moment, there are only two registered nurseries in Peru;
the owner of Registered Nursery 001 is  Alfredo Manrique,
and I am in weekly contact with him.
There is NO CONFIRMATION YET from INRENA  that legal Phragmipedium
flasks will be exported from Peru in 2005; consequently there CAN BE NO
CONFIRMATION from INRENA  that legal flasks will be available in Spain
All flask, seedlings, divisions or plants  of Phragmipedium kovachii  at
present outside Peru are ILLEGAL.
The whole world is waiting for INRENA to allow  export of legal Phragmipedium
kovachii, divisions and flasks; particularly the people who have illegal plants
and flasks at this moment.
As soon as INRENA does allow export, we will all know it within hours.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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