>I will post photos on my web site after our orchid show (AOS trustees
>meeting) next week.
I hope you do and show us one with the name Arias on it, if you can, please.
>Peter, I know you are friends with Manrique, the other person who was
>allowed to collect 5 plants of PK by INRENA.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about a wonderful man. Alfredo is not only my friend,
but  a friend to all who have ever met him. He is well educated, has traveled the world for many
years as a young man. He is a religious person, he is the most honest man I know.
Yet he manages to survive in a system hard to navigate.
>Do I detect some jealousy over the fact that Peruanino was successful with their flasks first?
Thank you for your concern Jerry.
I have seen the flask you purchased from Manolo, and have no reason to be jealous!!!!
That Manuel Arias Silva was first in germinating Pk, is not an established fact;
That Manuel Arias Silva germinated them at all, is not an established  fact !
That Manuel Arias Silva was the first one awarded a Pk flask export permit by INRENA, is true.
That Alfredo will have  his Pk flask export permit soon, is true.
That I will have Pk flasks within a very short time, is  true. I am happy Jerry, believe me!!
>I have not heard your talk about Phragmipedium kovachii but I would be interested
>in hearing it. Perhaps you can let me know your speaking schedule?
It will be my pleasure to speak to orchid societies in your area Jerry. Please contact me off list.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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