
Yours is the Australian view. I now offer an American view.  They both are 
about the same when you get to the bottom line but there are some 

Here in America a National Park remains a national park but it is now seen 
as a place to be plundered for oil, lumber and minerals. We MUST drill for 
oil in ANWAR to protect us from terrorists but can't figure out how to make 
a more energy efficient automobile.

It is also a place to have a landmark's name sold to some conglomerate for 
advertising purposes. There is a political cartoon that shows Old Faithful 
in Yellowstone being renamed "Matamucil" because it is 'so regular.'

It is a place to have cell phone towers installed in photographic line of 
sight of the 'scenic' wonder.

It is a place where 'sportsmen' shoot wolves from airplanes and call it 
recreation and "Hunting."

To tweak a line from Forrest Gump, "Stupidity is as Stupidity does."

PAX (I wish)

Jerry in IN 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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