To Stephen Anonymous, somewhere in the North Eastern USA:

I know nothing about your Fox Valley Orchids ... either positive or
negative. I'm not going to get involved in your dispute with that

What I'm taking issue with is the way you mis-use language and debase words.

"There are children who use this computer and the arbitrary broadcast
of personal information has been disabled."

Sorry, that won't do. If you wanted, you could disable the disability.
Not only did you fail to do so when making your earlier accusations,
but you CHOSE not to reveal your true full name in your most recent
posting. You cannot blame this omission on the mindless act of a
programmed machine. You are hiding behind the skirt-tails of anonymity
and thus do not deserve to have your accusations taken seriously.

"To some, there is no difference between "Coward", "Criminal", and "Nazi"

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear. I thought you wanted people to use labels accurately.

As every OGD reader knows, Andy Easton is a coward, but that doesn't
make him a criminal. Cowardice is not a criminal offence in most
countries, except under certain circumstances in times of war. George
W. Bush is a mass-murderer, and will be eventually be put on trial for
his actions. Once a court has found him guilty, he will be a criminal.
Dubya might be a coward as well, but that is a totally different
issue.... draft-dodging doesn't automatically equate with cowardice.
To the best of my knowledge, neither Easton nor Bush are Nazis,
although both sound like fascists in their public pronouncements. To
be a Nazi you need to be a member of the Nationalsozialistische
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, which was disbanded immediately after the
Great Patriotic War. Neither Bush nor Easton is old enough to have
been a member of the Nazi Party.

OK, does that help differentiate between the words ?

Peter O'Byrne
In Singapore, where the recent rain has made Dendrobium crumenatum bloom again.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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