
even a Vandaceous expert would be challenged to answer your question,
based on the info you've provided. What the photos show is a
standard-looking plant with what appears to be a long
multiple-branched inflorescence, and 1 cm-wide flowers with a trilobed
lip that has a basal callus and a nearly-perpendicular acute spur. The
only other clues: column has distinct stelid-arms at the apex (but are
they hairy ?) and, (from the anther shape) a well-developed and long

This character-set applies to about one-fifth of all Vandaceous
genera. From experience, I'd suggest you start looking in either
Trichoglottis/Staurochilus or Cleisostoma/Sarcoglyphis.

Good luck,

Peter O'Byrne

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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