I'm writing to seek information from US growers who import orchids from oversea. Specifically, I am looking for cases where USDA identified pseudomonas sp. as pest - with id number 07269 in a box of orchids, and offer two options - re-exportation or destruction.
A quick search of Internet tells me that bacteria pseudomonas is commonly detected.  I found a published USDA article on Risk Analysis of the Importation of Moth Orchid where none of the 4 listed bacteria, including Pseudomonas cattleyae, are clearly indicated not being quarantined pests.
The explanation given to me is that USDA would rather error in this case because there are different strain/species of pseudomonas.
Do I have the right to request specific proof of specific pseudomonas ?  Is this within USDA guideline?
Although it is easier to just return the box of orchids to the sender, it is not a comfort to know that any future shipment could suffer the same fate.  It is my experience that orchid plants in stress - as in the case of bare root - sprayed with insecticide - placed in a box subject to unfavorable temperature, there is a good chance that a few plants will succumb to the attack of pseudomonas.
Thank you,
Peter Lin

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