The Slipper Orchid Forum shows pictures of Pk's in bloom at a well known Ecuadorian orchid collector. Someone else then responds by asking: " I just wonder why nobody selfing or cross this ecuadorian kovachii yet."
This is how rumours get started.
To date, to the best of my knowledge, no Pk habitat has been found in Ecuador. If ever it should happen, be assured that the world will know within hours.
In the past few years, the Peruvian Ministry of Natural Resources, INRENA, has on several occasions confiscated flowering size Pk plants and other orchid species of many genera on their way to Ecuador and elsewhere. These were collected illegally in Peru.
Phragmipedium kovachii  habitats were discovered in the Department of Amazonas, Northern Peru. INRENA, has not yet issued a single export permit for mature Pk plants.
At this moment, any blooming Pk outside the Peruvian nurseries of Alfredo Manrique and Manolo Arias is an illegal Pk.  Legal Pk seedlings, propagated only by Centro de Jardineria Manrique and Peruflora, need to grow 5 to 7 years before they bloom for the first time.  
In 3-5 years from now, when the legal Pk seedlings have become flowering Pk plants, it will be very difficult to know if a flowering Pk is legal or illegal. I have a feeling that no one will waste any time then to find out.
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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