Giles Smith asked: "I hope someone can help me understand what is
going on with my Phalaenopsis schilleriana. ... It produced a new
basal shoot that rapidly produced leaves and roots of its own....
After a while I separated the new growth and potted it up.  That plant
grew well and is now producing another new basal shoot, but no normal
inflorescence.  I grow these in sphagnum moss and they seem to be
happy, carrying 3 to 4 good leaves on each side. What is going on with
the new basal shoots?"

Giles, if a plant only has one stem it is vulnerable to being damaged
or eaten. Having multiple stems increases the chance of the plant
surviving. So most members of the Aeridiinae (which includes
Phalaenopsis) routinely propogate themselves via basal vegetative
shoots when they get a chance.

Your plant is only doing what comes naturally. Look on it as an
opportunity to grow a nice large specimen-size plant.

Peter O'Byrne

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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