Jean Allen Ikeson

Your comments are wasteful and misdirected. No suggestion was made, by either 
myself, or Marc,
that the AOS judging  is crooked and deliberately aimed at aiding commercial 
vendors of orchids. 
We all know this is not true and we do not need to read the AOS handbook on 
judging to know it.

It is a well known fact, among all who grow orchids, that AOS awarded plants, 
whether  these are sold by individuals 
at local orchid society meetings, or by commercial orchid vendors, are more 
desirable and fetch more money
than non-awarded plants. Thus whether you like it or not, AOS awards do endorse 
plants on the sales table.

It is puzzling that you, as a student AOS judge, take offence at a by-product 
of  AOS judging excellence.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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