Do not be misled by comments made previously regarding the possible problem 
caused by moths to Hawaii the first place..all and I mean 
all...orchids from Hawaii are inspected heavily by the exporter before 
shipping..each plant, generally, is placed in some sort of wrapping after 
visual inspection...consider the fact that no one in the business that I know 
has ever even seen one of these moths, much less in his greenhouse, and that 
they would be ever so easy to see if they were floating around..and certainly 
none would just sit on the plant waiting to be packed away and shipped...The 
written and oral comments made by officials have made it clear that the problem 
is not a big one..and as you might suspect..if the boxes WERE opened in , say 
California, no one should expect that anything would be found to impound said 
shippment...think about the chore of inspecting thousands of boxes of various 
fruits, vegetables and flowers every day in every State...They certainly do not 
have the resources here to do it in advance..and you might imagine the cost to 
do it elsewhere..  Each of us has the right to certify his or her plants on 
site...We are inspected twice a year for any problem coqui frogs 
i.e.  and word is that there will be a special inspection of our local areas to 
see just where any problem might lay....Bill Bergstrom 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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