"gastou US$ 10 mil por uma pe?a de porcelana esculpida"

Our recent Pacific Orchid Exposition in San Francisco (as part of an 
increasing presentation of the work of artists inspired by orchids) featured 8 
Clark Sorensen's urinals. They do in fact cost up to $10,000, are fully 
functional, and manage to be both amusing and beautiful (some fanciful, some 
with a 
surprisingly high level of botanical accuracy). Obviously spending that much on 
bathroom fixture is frivolous (decadent really). But if you've got it, and are 
going to spend it, what better way than on a beautifully made fixture, 
produced by a really nice guy.


Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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