Fellow OGD'ers, 

I was writing from work, during one of the pauses in the daily grind. I 
made the mistake of going with my recollections, which proved woefully 
inaccurate. Ned Nash was never president of the AOS. He was on staff, and 
coming from a small family business sized orchid company - he was working 
to save the family size orchid businesses. He lost his AOS staff position 
due to the membership down turn - so it was very unfair of me to include 
him personally in culpability for the phenomena I was discussing as he and 
the family firm was a victim of it. I apologize to Ned, and hope he 
understands I was going from memory. Ned was very gracious in his note 
pointing out the actually history, where I was wrong in my recollection. I 
want to thank him publicly for being collegial in his pointing out the 
actual history. He gave me the benefit of the doubt which is better than I 
did for him by not checking my facts. 

I have got to stay off the keyboard, my memory is apocryphal at best and I 
do apologize to Ned Nash again for remembering incorrectly. 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

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