Michelle Wan
Doubleday Canada
a passion for orchids... element of crime fiction
Michelle Wan... orchid-related crime... her series spinning around the... 
plant, specifically as it appears in the Dordogne region of France.

In her previous books --
Deadly Slipper and
The Orchid Shroud --
Wan sent... interior decorator Mara Dunn to France to try to trace her 
long-missing sister, an orchid enthusiast who disappeared on a hiking holiday.
There, Mara hooked up with... botanist Julian Wood to eventually learn her 
sister's fate, then stuck around to start building a renovation career as 
well as a romance with... Julian.

Now in A Twist of Orchids, they're more or less living together, but with 
some strains.
Mara keeps wanting to talk about "the relationship" and resents playing 
second fiddle to orchids...

Julian, however, is also distraught that a researcher and grower has hired 
Julian's rival to find an elusive, possibly non-existent orchid in the 
region. If Julian doesn't find this orchid-grail first, he fears it will be 
lost to the greed and corruption of his competitors.
Readers who don't share Julian's dedication to orchids can nevertheless 
empathize with it through whatever their own obsessions may be."

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