Hello fellow organizers!

Instead of writing with my usual Ottawa contra dance volunteer hat on, I'm
wearing my CDSS hat as I wanted to share some really exciting announcements
that have just come out of CDSS  all of which relate to dance organizing.
(Note -- the announcements also apply to trad song and music organizers.)

If you are willing, please share this info with local organizers in your
network who might not be on shared weight.  We'd like to let as many people
know about these resources as possible and word-of-mouth is so powerful in
the trad dance, music, and song world.

   - *US organizers survey report out now! *CDSS has just released the
   report outlining the results the US organizers survey conducted this past
   spring.  I'm guessing a few of you participated in that survey... here's
   the link to the report:

   - *New  e-blast for traditional dance music and song organizers:  *The
   goal of this free quarterly e-blast is to support, inspire, and connect
   organizers.  Shared weight already does this so well but this is another
   avenue of support if you are interested!
   Check out the first Shop Talk e-blast here:  https://conta.cc/2PlKAEr
   You can sign up to receive the e-blast at the bottom of the first Shop

- *Online Organizer Resources Portal:* This is a very exciting initiative
   from CDSS that will hopefully add to the set of tools available to us all!
   The goal of the Portal is to hold as many of the best resources as can be
   found that will support local traditional dance, music, and song organizers
   in their planning and decision making.  While we do this well within the
   Shared Weight community, the Portal is more of a permanent location where
   you can go look for subject-specific resources.... see here for the list of
   (Shared Weight is listed as an online resources and soon the Portal will
   have permanent links to subject searches from Shared Weight.)
   BTW - As one of the individuals working on the Portal, I know that it
   will only be as good as the resources it holds.  ANNNND I laos know that us
   local organizers have so many of the best practices and ideas already
   figured out.  So we'll be reaching out from CDSS, asking for organizers to
   share resources on particular subjects over the next number of months.  If
   you're super excited about the initiative and want to start sharing your
   local resources now, you can fill out this easy form:

   - *CDSS's next online web chat - "Creating a Thriving Open Band": *CDSS
   held it's first web chat back in June which had to be capped because of the
   high number of people wanting to register!  The next web chat is September
   20th and is focused on Creating a Thriving Open Band.  More information on
   the workshop and the registration form is located in the e-blast:

Note:  I am sending this from my personal email account as I'm yet not
connect to shared weight through my CDSS account.  However, if you'd like
to discuss Shop Talk (the eblast) or the Portal, please email me at
em...@cdss.org.  If you have specific requests or want advice from CDSS,
please contact  Linda Henry at li...@cdss.org.

With thanks!
Consultant @ CDSS working on organizer supports

PS - I will also post this on the musician and caller Shared Weight lists
as well as the ECD list as I'm guessing there will likely be interest there
as well. Thus, if you're on more than one list, apologies!
Organizers mailing list

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