Another pebble in the pond --

*  Current booster verified
*  N95, KN95, KF94 required
*  Request cases to be reported back to the organizers
*  Emails collected to report cases anonymously to the community
*  Max venue ventilation -- cold drafts this time of year in the North

NONE of these is sufficient to prevent Covid. ALL of them help reduce transmission.

None of us organizers volunteered to be public health officials. And certainly not protocol cops. But it makes sense for us to STACK THE ODDS as high as possible in favor of COMMUNITY health.

Maximizing community safety takes precedence over individual preference.

That's the most responsible way to organize a dance. Not just for the benefit of our dancers, but also for the greater community in which all of our dancers live.

Mac Sloan
Thursday Night Dance, Concord Scout House, MA

Walker Sloan

On 23/01/06 11:18 PM, Julian Blechner via Organizers wrote:
Question for anyone with the "you will alienate someone" or "everyone has a different level of risk" mindset: In other areas of life, do you consider someone's personal preference (like not wearing a mask) the same as someone's health needs (like having a health condition, or a family member who does)?

Like, how is this "both sides have a preference" narrative any different from able-bodied people being like "Oh, well, I just don't like handicapped ramps, I prefer steps"?
I'm not asking to be mean or rude. I genuinely would love an explanation.

I think there actually _is_ a way to please most people, and not just disregard people with medical conditions (or family with them).
That is - making sure no area's dances are all mask-optional.
There's a big difference between an area having _some_ mask-optional dances, sure, but if they're _all_ mask-optional.

Julian Blechner

On Fri, Jan 6, 2023 at 5:56 PM John and/or Jan Bloom via Organizers < <>> wrote:

    As Alan said,  whatever you do you will alienate someone.

    What I did with the Brunswick ECD was to ask all of the dancers
       - would you dance if masks were required
       - would you dance if masks were optional
    and so on.

    Then I picked the rules that maximized the number of dancers.

    I realize that this is harder for Contra, where you have a lot of
dancers that you can't ask, including potential future dancers. But in my case it seemed like the right way to do it.

    John Bloom
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