
Can you elaborate more on "can be configured to work as a pool, by 
recycling database instances"?
Perhaps an example of this pooled mode?

And on how it should be treated for embedded mode when creating missing 
databases (if the database doesn't exist, it’s created automatically (but 
in “remote” mode)).
For my case there is not "remote" mode... I think :).


On Friday, January 31, 2014 11:17:42 AM UTC, Lvc@ wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is the first version of the new Graph Factory. Any comments are 
> welcome!
> TinkerPop Blueprints <https://github.com/tinkerpop/blueprints/wiki> standard 
> doesn’t define a proper “Factory” to get graph instances. For this reason 
> OrientDB users that wanted to use a pool of instances had to mix 2 
> different API: Graph and Document one. Example:
>  ODatabaseDocumentPool pool = new 
> ODatabaseDocumentPool(“plocal:/temp/mydb”);
> OrientGraph g = new OrientGraph(pool.acquire());
> *NOTE: You could also use a OGraphDatabase instance in place of 
> ODatabaseDocumentPool, but this API has been deprecated since a long time 
> and will be removed in v1.7. *
> Now everything is simpler, thanks to the new *OrientGraphFactory* class 
> to manage graphs in easy way (Issue 
> #1971<https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/1971>). 
> These the main features:
> - by default acts as a factory by creating new database instances every 
> time
> - can be configured to work as a pool, by recycling database instances
> - if the database doesn’t exist, it’s created automatically (but in 
> “remote” mode)
> - returns transactional and non-transactional instances
> This is the basic way to create the factory, by using the default “admin” 
> user (with “admin” password by default):
> OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory(“plocal:/temp/mydb”);
> But you can also pass user and password:
> OrientGraphFactory factory = new OrientGraphFactory(“plocal:/temp/mydb”, 
> “jayminer”, “amigarocks”);
> To work with a recyclable pool of instances with minimum 1, maximum 10 
> instances:
> OrientGraphFactory factory = new 
> OrientGraphFactory(“plocal:/temp/mydb”).setupPool(1, 10);
> Once the factory is configured you can get a Graph instance to start 
> working. OrientGraphFactory has 2 methods to retrieve a Transactional and 
> Non-Transactional instance:
> OrientGraph txGraph = factory.getTx();
> OrientGraphNoTx noTxGraph = factory.getNoTx();
> Or again you can configure in the factory the instances you want and use 
> the get() method everytime:
> factory.setTransactional(false);
> OrientGraphNoTx noTxGraph = (OrientGraphNoTx) factory.get();
> Once finished to free all the resources (in case of pool usage), call the 
> close():
> factory.close();
> - See more at: 
> http://www.orientechnologies.com/new-orientdb-graph-factory/#sthash.159abedh.dpuf
> Lvc@


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