From: Israeli Origami Center <orig...@netvision.net.il>

This morning I was listening to a not-very-interesting lecture at a Center
for Digital Art.  

What I suddenly grasped was that origami is a Digital Art.  

When someone asks me what I do, I think I'm going to describe myself
somewhat mischievously as a 'digital artist'.  It should start some
interesting conversations. :-)  

PS  Or are we merely 'digit artists'?  It doesn't sound so good.  Hmmmph!

Paul, This is interesting!  and a duh...... I could have had a V-8 moment! 
No, you, especially, are not 'merely'.
Yes, most will think of digital as in digital camera, but yes, using ones 
fingers/digits produces digital art. 
By this definition, then, most art is digital,  isn't it?  
I think I'll go use my digits, then for folding rather than typing.

Kathy Knapp,
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Do well your part today. - Juliette Gordon Low

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