On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Rosemary Browne
<rosemary.brow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This model comes from Senbazurfrance.  It is called Poule de Paques.  I am
> sorry I cannot translate to French; however, I have folded this model many
> times and_I _have named it "Classy Bird" and refer to it as such to friends
> and students.
> Does anyone happen to know who the folder of this wonderful site might be
> and who created this, yes, simple yet elegant bird?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Fx_50cgupcw

Google translate (and my blurry recollection of French) calls this
"Easter Chicken" or "Easter Hen".

The senbazuru.fr website has it here:


and says pf it (my translation): "This little hen created by Guillaume
Denis is very easy to make.  It would make a pretty Easter

Nice-looking, simple model, indeed!

The Senbazuru website doesn't say (that I can find) who the author of
the site is, and they use "us" when talking about contacting, etc., so
it may be multiple people.  Perhaps one of our list members from the
area knows them, or they're on the list?


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