On 20/02/13 02.18, Chris Lott wrote:
But I was thinking
that it would be a really useful learning experience to be able to
poke around with some existing diagram source files...just to see how
they are put together and potentially to avoid reinventing the wheel
with common elements. I'm using Inkscape (and occasionally
Illustrator-- I can't decide which makes more sense for me),
I use inkscape because I found it easier for a beginner (easier than illustrator, anyway), after some years of use it technically still covers my needs, it's free of charge.
I would be happy to hear you put of a page of references somewhere.

My set of symbols: http://papirfoldning.dk/temp/symbols_origami.svg (updated today). An older example: http://papirfoldning.dk/images/diagram/vase05/kinesiskvase-a.svg
And a pretty new example: http://papirfoldning.dk/temp/twistedsquarebowl.svg
(for a book due autumn 2013).
For the latter example, if you open it in Inkscape, you must open the layers dialog to unlock the layers. Note how the English text is in a separate layer. Danish text is in a hidden layer, making it easy to produce the diagram in another language. Note also that it uses a filter to provide the metallic look of the inside (as I intend to use them for candles...). I had to use clipping in order to cut off the rough edges; it would be much easier just to use the linear gradients I usually apply.

Another very useful source is jo nakashimas youtube videos. At http://www.youtube.com/user/jonakashima he has a group of 6 excellent inkscape diagramming tutorials (as well as a whole range of other origami videos).

Best regards,

Hans Dybkjær
Danish Origami Society: foldning.dk

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