Laura Kruskal and I went to the Princeton Public Library's Volunteer
Appreciation breakfast this morning, wearing a couple of her origami
crowns, of course. (Not surprisingly we ended up folding some, with
two young mothers who run the Japanese story hour at the library.)

Afterwards at the parking garage, I paid my parking fee, got the
validated  card back to stick into the card-reader at the exit, helped
Laura into the car, dumped our stuff into the car, and looked for the
parking card in my handbag. And looked in the tote bags. And looked in
my pockets.

Finally, I resigned myself to telling the parking garage guys that I'd
somehow mislaid the card between the payment machine and the car.
Meanwhile, Laura chanted the poverty-folder credo, "In origami,
nothing goes to waste. Use each morsel according to your taste!" and
popped a model onto the dashboard.

All of a sudden, we both realized that Laura had picked up  a  paper
morsel from the front seat and -- without realizing what the blue
rectangle was -- folded the  parking card into the classic little

The exit card-reader spit out the crease-pattern. So we had to ask the
garage guy to to help after all.  And we laughed our way home!

Karen Reeds, co-ringleader, Princeton Public Library Origami Group.
Affiliate of Origami USA,
We usually meet 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8pm, 3rd floor. Free!
We provide paper! All welcome! (Kids under 8, please bring a grown-up.)
Princeton Public Library info:  609.924.9529 (Ann Woodrow)

Next meeting: Wednesday May 8, 2013, 6:30-8pm

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