 From: Clare <orig...@westnet.com.au>
I recently picked up a 'discount' book at my local paper shop - a beautiful 
looking box set with a colourful cover, only to find tacky printed paper and 
models full of cutting and requiring a great stretch of imagination to meet 
their title! The book in question, Folded Fun Beginner's Origami : Dr. Yonsuku 

I just hope not too many kids buy it/are given it, then give up origami in 
disappointment - we really need to start setting a standard -but not sure how? 
Maybe carry an endorsement by NOA/BOS/OUSA etc?

From this photo and description, it does just look like a great beginner kit.  

However, whenever printed paper is included, or asked, I encourage learning the 
fold with plain paper, or even something larger, yet square, and thin,  like 
the current  JCPenny ads
Endorsement would be like the "good housekeeping seal of approval", and maybe 
an idea worth pursuing.  But, then, who decides?, generally, most new books and 
kits would receive the "ok", but you would think, or so hope that just 
"origami" would be good enough.......

Kathy Knapp,
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Do well your part today. - Juliette Gordon Low

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