On 04aug13, Anne LaVin wrote:  When teaching, I too have found this to
be a really noticeable difference between beginners and more
experienced folders - their perception of what you're "doing" when
you're making a fold: beginners perceive the motion and details of the
alignment of the flap/layer/corner/edge they're manipulating, while
more experienced folders see the *crease* they're forming.

---- Thank you, Ann (and Robert)! Beautifully articulated, natch. I’ve
been teaching for about 11 years now, and have noticed that beginners
do often have trouble understanding what to do, even with a fairly
simple (to me) maneuver. I have always focused on explaining and
showing where the crease should go, because that’s my usual and
natural focus (I haven’t been a beginner since about 1965, and didn’t
start teaching till 2002). Now the lightbulb has lit (for me!) and I
can see how to do it better, or at least try something different next
..... Chila ----------------------------------------------------------------
Chilagami - I think, therefore I fold; I fold, therefore I am
Folding for Fun in the Mojave Desert
Southern California, USA

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