 From: Anne LaVin <anne.la...@gmail.com>, we're here to *discuss*

stuff.   I think there's still value in it.

Anne, I totally agree that this list serves a great function.  I am so very 
grateful for it when I first had a modem and hence the internet, and the world 
of origami beyond myself and my books opened up to me. I have learned so very 
much from others, and maybe helped someone, too.

I do  ponder, tho, where all the interactions have gone?  I think to lots of 
other origami related sites; however, this list is a safe place for learning, 
and comments are understandable, and not in shorthand of the young ones.

Thanks for all you do to keep this going.

Now, I need to get ready for our local group meeting on Thursday night.

Kathy Knapp,
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Do well your part today. - Juliette Gordon Low

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