If you ever take the opportunity to view Francis Ow's Flickr Photostream, you 
might be as amazed as I was.

I recently asked Francis Ow about "I see from your web-site 
http://www.nickrobinson.info/clients/owrigami/books.php that you have several 
self-published books - "More Origami Hearts" - "ModularOrigami" - "Letter 
Folds" - "Geometrical Folds"."
His reply was that "I am not reprinting any of my books. I may do e-books on 
them maybe in the near future."The OUSA lending library has only one of these - 
"More Origami Hearts" - available.

Does anyone have copies of these books and be willing to share them for a 
limited amount of time? I'll be glad to pay mailing costs.

Thank you and have a great day! 
SVBE            (si vales, bene est)
The early bird may get the worm, sure, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Cheers, Ralph Jones


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