Well, not actually new - but in an effort to reduce the List Admin
group's chores, I'm resurrecting something that a list volunteer
(thanks, Maarten!) did in the distant past, and am going to send out a
monthly administrative message with information on using the list.

Please read on...


Send a message to everyone on the list by sending mail to:

Get help from the List Admins by sending mail to:

Change your list subscription, unsubscribe, get to the archives, etc. from:

THIS MONTH'S REMINDER:  "How to quote when you reply"

For a wide variety of reasons, we enforce a specific quoting style
here on the list: edited quoted content first, your new message
material last.  (This is called "top-quoting" in 'Net-speak.)

In other words, make your messages look like something like this:

On some-date, some-list-member wrote:

> quoted material
> more quoted material

...and here's your new content.

your name

Details to note:

 - don't forget that "reply" by default goes to the entire list, not
to the author of a particular message

 - use *some* quoted material to provide context for your reply;
remember that people may read your message days, weeks or even longer
after you write it

 - edit the quoted text down to *just* what is needed to provide
context; remove headers, footers, signatures, advertisements from lame
ISPs that insert them, etc.

 - mark the quoted material with some plain text (not
colored/font/formatting-based) symbol to distinguish it from your new
text.  The ">" marks in the example work well, but you could also put
something at the start and end of the quoted material, instead.

 - consider signing your name so your fellow list members have some
sense of who you are other than your (possibly-cryptic) email address

And, yes, we know this is the precise opposite of common practice in
one-to-one or small-group email conversations.  Having a conversation
with 1200+ people is *different*, and different rules apply.

Thanks for listening.  Now go fold something! (And come back and tell
us about it.)

for the O-list Admin Gang

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