Hi, this tantalizing opportunity was mentioned on the SCI-ART--the science
illustrators' list. It seems to me equally applicable to paperfolders.

Karen Reeds, co-ringleader
Princeton Public Library Origami Group (next meeting,  Wed. March 12, 2014
-- Pi Day origami!)



*Scientific Delirium Madness*

*Scientific Delirium Madness* is a collaborative initiative of Leonardo/The
International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) and
Djerassi Resident Artists Program (DRAP).  Empiricism and intuition are not
mutually exclusive.  The goal of the project is to explore and expand how
the creativity of scientists and artists are connected.

At its heart is a month-long residency in July of 2015 for six (6) artists
and six (6) scientists at Djerassi's 585-acre retreat in the coastal Santa
Cruz Mountains, south of San Francisco.  The program will also include
public and academic forums, published blogs and articles in
LEONARDO/ISAST's journal published by MIT Press.

Scientists selected must be involved in significant art-related research
and/or be practicing a form of art and/or have original ideas on how to
integrate aspects of art and science.  This includes but is not limited to
poetry, playwriting, fiction, creative non-fiction, choreography, music
composition, media arts/filmmaking, sculpture and photography.  By the same
token artists selected will have a track record of work driven by the
influence of biology, chemistry, physics, math, environmental or
agricultural science.  A strong sense of play and experimentation is

Applications are now open via djerassi.org for artists who wish to be
considered for this special residency.  The deadline is March 15th.
Scientists, mathematicians and additional artists will be proposed via
nominators selected by the project's steering committee. Invitations for
residencies will be sent in August of 2014. To apply use the APPLY button
on the left or go to this link https://djerassi.slideroom.com:

This is not a product-based residency.  Artists and scientists will be free
to work on their own projects.  Participants will be expected to be
in-residence for the entirety of the session.  Accommodations, food, and
local transportation are provided.  Residents will also be expected to
interact with colleagues in differing fields, participate in a two public
forums during their stay and document/share their experiences for both
academic and general audiences.

Inquiries should be directed to Margot H. Knight, Executive Director,
Djerassi Resident Artists Program, 2325 Bear Gulch Road, Woodside, CA 94062
at mar...@djerassi.org.  650-747-1250 or Piero Scaruffi, Leonardo
Art/Science Evening Rendezvous (LASERs) at p...@scaruffi.com

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