Hello ALL,

Good news for those of you who do prefer paper books – our Origami Mini Library book is on Amazon.com and Amazon Europe now!

Origami Mini Library: Bookbinding With Folds Alone
ISBN-10: 1496195388
ISBN-13: 978-1496195388

This book will show you how to create your very own origami miniature library with little books, decorative covers, slipcases and open-front bookcases in which to store these mini books! Experience fun bookbinding and bookcase-making with only folds alone – no sewing, no gluing, no special instruments, just your hands and a set of papers!

Do-It-Yourself – fold these fun and cute models, originally designed by Katrin and Yuri Shumakov. There are 230 detailed step-by-step colorful diagrams with written instructions and photos of examples of completed projects that will guide you through folding the 14 original origami designs. In each article, there are recommendations on paper type and size with indication of the size of the completed model. The designs in this book are mostly simple to intermediate level of folding.

Just imagine the whole miniature library full of little origami books with your poetry, short stories, graphic novels et cetera made by your own hands. Have a creative and fun time with this book making Origami Mini Library!

Full color pages of this paper book will bring you hours of happy folding!

Yuri and Katrin Shumakov
Origami Artists

ORILAND - What Origami Can Be!

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