I have successfully used the following recipe for forming Origami models:

3 pieces of torn stale white bread – crust removed
3 tablespoons PVC glue
1/2 teaspoon glycerin

1. Knead with lightly coated glycerin hands.
The mixture will be  extremely sticky for about 3 minutes. The clay will then 
become very silky and  move into itself, leaving no residue on the hands.
2. Roll the clay out to a very thin piece. The clay can be rolled so thinly it 
is translucent, yet maintains it’s structure.
3. Cut the clay into the shape needed to fold the Origami model. 
4. Fold the clay, modifying that process as necessary for working with such a 
5. Allow the model to air dry...minimum 24 hours
6. Finish as desired, for example, paint with acrylic, ink, dye, polyacrylic, 

Note: as the viscosity of the clay is altered, I do not recommend adding 
powdered or liquid paint, dye o ink to the initial recipe.

I have used Sculpey polymer clay, however, it is very difficult to work it into 
vey thin sheets,
hence the finished Sculpey Origami model is bulkier than I like, as can be seen 
at www.orifun.weebly.com 

OriFUN to all,

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