On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 6:22 PM, <kdiannesteph...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I noticed the OUSA folks in the video made no mention of the many
> OUSA members/volunteers behind them. Very nice of Jennifer to acknowledge
> the members presence and support to the organization.

Hi Dianne,

I just wanted to let you know that since I was at the taping (it was filmed
at my apartment!), I can attest that much of the full interview with Talo
and Ros was cut down, and we had no control over how the piece was edited.
However, the segment does reference OUSA several times, and Ros and Talo
were both eager to express their thanks to all the volunteers (form around
the world), including our beloved OUSA members. Unfortunately, many things
necessarily get cut when an hour interview is edited down to 4 minutes. I
do feel, however, that a strong sense of community was conveyed.

Without doubt, Ros, Talo and I are grateful for OUSA, and all the
volunteers that help make the tree magnificent each and every year!

Happy Holidays!

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