Ohio Paper Folders has launched a gofundme campaign to raise money to
provide origami books and paper to children's hospitals all over North
America.  Each hospital will receive twenty-five each of four different 44
page 6x9 inch full color origami books and 100 50-sheet packages of origami
paper, so kids do not just get to just use an origami book, but take one
home with them.

The more we raise, the lower the unit cost will be, because we will be able
to place orders directly with the manufacturers in Asia for 20,000 to 30,000
packages of paper, plus of course the printing costs go WAY down per book
when we are talking about 5,000 of each book instead of just a few hundred.

But - even if we only raise five thousand Dollars we can still supply ten
At ten thousand we can supply twenty.
At fifteen thousand, our unit costs start to drop and we can supply forty
hospitals, at twenty-eight thousand we can supply one hundred, and at
forty-one thousand almost two hundred hospitals.  That is more than enough
to do all 190 children's hospitals in the country!

Now - what do you get in return, other than the great feeling from spreading
the joy of origami?  We thought about that for a long time before we came up
with something of real value to the donors that does not use up the funds we
are raising.  Well, since we sell origami paper at
shop.ohiopaperfolders.com, we can give you discounts on future purchases of
paper - up to a 35% discount for life at the higher donation levels.

Please support our project by making a donation, and please share this out
to others!  

To make a donation or for more information, please visit
Or contact me at jscu...@ohiopaperfolders.com

John Scully
Ohio Paper Folders

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