Hans <h...@papirfoldning.dk> was kind enough to mention my book Origami
Alfresco in connection with this thread.

Although he is correct that

>Dave Mitchell calls it ... sketching without pen or ink

that idea came from the late Eric Kenneway who, I believe, called it
'drawing with paper' ... which is the term I would normally use.

It seems to me that there is quite a difference between this technique ...
creating recognisable (I hope!) pictures and the creation of bi-colour
patterns and I don't think they ought to be conflated.

I also don't think it matters whether the outline of a drawing with paper
design is rectangular or irregular. I think most of Eric's designs were the
latter. As Hans says many of mine are rectangular ... but that was because I
conceived of them as sketches drawn in an artists notebook. 

As always I think that the choice of a regular or irregular shape is one
that depends on simplicity and elegance. It would surely be foolish to ruin
a good design just to arrive at a rectangular outline?

For those who are interested I have a page on drawing with paper designs
here ... http://origamiheaven.com/drawingwithpaper.htm


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